Montag, 26. Mai 2014


The world is going to end

This is the Team of superheros that will save us


Telling me you don't want him, doen't meen you don't like him.

So just sit down
and let me tell you
why he is a perfect match
for you.

Sonntag, 25. Mai 2014


Er würde seinen Sohn lieben

Und egal was er tun würde, Ace wäre immer stolz auf ihn
He would love his son.
It doesn't matter what he do Ace would be damn proud of him


Wunderschön. Grazil wie ein Schwan.
Wunderschön und schmerzhaft dazu.
Man lebt dafür.
Und am Ende hat man nichts mehr.

Samstag, 24. Mai 2014

One Shot

Mein erster B.A.P. song


Ob als Kapitän oder großer Bruder.

Er ist eine unglaubliche Persönlichkeit und es wäre mir eine Ehre ihn kennenlernen zu dürfen.
Whether he's my captain or my brother.
He is awesome and it would be a pleasure to meet him

Ace-waking up

Die Vorstellung, neben ihm aufzuwachen.
Er liegt neben dir. Sieht dich lächelnd an.
Und sagt dir, wie süß du beim schlafen bist
Waking up right next to him.
He's smiling
And tells you how cute you are while sleeping


And when the night falls down
And evervbody goes to bed
It's like I just woke up

Freitag, 23. Mai 2014


I love this guy he's always "cool" in their mvs
But when it comes to this  "Aegyo" Thing
He is so damn cute.


Loving a pirate would include loving the sea.
That's perfectly ok to me.
I won't stand on any beach waving and hoping
he will come back some day.
I would sail with him.
I would pledge loyalty to his captain.

And won't leave his side anymore
till th end


Just imagine he is sitting in front of you.
Telling you you won't get anything of it.
And you can't do anything
cause he's your captain/brother and you won't survive it.
But hey: Yolo :3


But he is the guy I would die for.
Cause if I would live in his world, it's not likely that my sister would be with me.
So he would be the next Person I would die for.
I think I really love him <3


I want him to be my captain so badly. He is just so cruel and aggressive. But that's totally ok with me.
I'm just like him.
An other idea is being his sister. It would be great.
I'd love to.